
Holidaying in non-Hague Convention Countries

Spring time – a time of year when lots of families look toward booking holidays for the summer. Holidays abroad with your children can sometimes be tricky to negotiate if you and your child’s mother or father are divorced. Trickier still are the legal practicalities involved if you want to take your children on holiday […]

Returning abducted children – the Hague Convention in action

The 1996 Hague Convention will apply for all child abduction matters outside of the scope of Brussels II bis, which applies when the child or children concerned are either habitually resident in an EU member state or an EU member state has already made orders in relation to that child or children, regardless of where they […]

Relocation – 5 things to consider about the ‘fresh start’

Even if your divorce has proceeded relatively smoothly and with minimal animosity, things may change if one of you is considering a relocation.  A decision by the parent who is the primary carer of the children of the relationship to move away, taking the children with her, is likely to sour even the most amicable […]

A question of ‘habitual residence’

Susi Gillespie looks at the decision in RE: ALCOTT (1) [2016] EWHC 2413 (Fam) and the question of ‘habitual residence’ in child abduction cases under the Hague Convention There are many benefits to having parents from different countries and culture – in many cases it can mean children growing up speaking more than one language, and […]